Beverly D. Allen
Christian Author, Teacher,
Women's Conference Speaker


Overview of  Good Women  in Bad Situations… 
and the Grace That Awaits Them

This awesome presentation of God’s inspired Word is masterfully written by Evangelist Beverly Allen to enlighten, inspire, motivate, and encourage women of all age groups to embrace one another with loving compassion through life’s intrinsic journey. Good Women in Bad Situations will affirm in your spirit the divine wisdom of God concerning you. Moreover, your transformation will yield great opportunities to help other women recognize through you the Grace That Awaits Them. Read, study, and be blessed for herein is your moment for reconciliation and restoration. Dr. Stephanie Arrington, President Interdenominational Women’s Conference Paterson, New Jersey Survival is a basic instinct that most women rely upon when encountering the daily trials of life. 

What may not have been clearly defined in our individual journeys is the definition of “acceptable” behavior to navigate through the trials. Evangelist Beverly Allen chronicles the lives of prominent women in the Bible identifying that although they may have had a checkered past, that it did not diminish their value or contribution.  We too must realize with God’s grace and mercy, we can overcome any past failures, missteps, and bad decisions. Nicole B. Simpson, Author The Ultimate Plan: A Financial Survival Guide for Life’s Unexpected Events

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WestBow Press

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Good Women in
Bad Situations…
and the
Grace That Awaits Them
By Beverly D. Allen (Author)
Paperback ISBN: 9781615792221
Pages: 116

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

Price: $17.00 (includes S&H)

Overview of No Man's Concubine

For every man who respects and honors womanhood, far too many others treat women with less than dignity.

Much dignity is lost by women who endure abuse at the hands of ruthless and non-caring men. They may spend weeks, months, and even years trapped in relationships that leave them scarred for life.

Women are being led into relationships that rob them of their innocence. They are victims of men who act like predators. Many women felt they were too wise to be seduced. Others failed to heed obvious warning signs.

The Bible cautions that we are all subject to temptation. Only a fool will stand convinced that Satan can be outsmarted by our own devices. Beverly Allen writes a compelling case for women to stand in the holiness that God intended. Certainly, the poignant tale of a well-meaning young Christian woman is an example of how the best intentions can be betrayed.

“The choice for 21st century women is vital to joy in this life and the life to come. No Man’s Concubine is a message for this generation. Parents and caring adults should share this book with every single woman they love. No one who reads this book will come away without being edified.”      —Elder James P. Murray

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No Man’s Concubine
Tell the Concubine She Was Meant To Be A Queen

By Beverly D. Allen (Author)
Paperback ISBN: 1594675880
Pages: 204

Dimensions: 6 x 9

Price: $22.50 (includes S&H)

Overview of Covenant Dating:
The Biblical Path to Marriage

It's been said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results. Are you weary of the "dating treadmill", trying out different potential partners only to be let down again and again? Dating as a believer is not meant to be "casual"; it must focus on achieving a "covenant relationship"-seeking only for a covenant partner.
Covenant dating is the biblical path to marriage for those in the dating pool who are tired of getting their hearts broken and not reaching their goal of marriage. Regardless of the compromises you make to try to please another's flesh or even your own, it will not bring true joy to the spirit. But obedience to God and His Word, which protects your heart, emotions, and above all your spiritual relationship with God, will.
Covenant Dating can help all those seeking a marriage partner to abide by God's intended plan to take you to help-meet status as a covenant partner. It is not a list of rules but a lifestyle blueprint to guard your heart and your body. Remember, with God all things are possible to him that believes, trusts, and waits on the Lord. God can do for you what He has done for countless others!

You can also order through the publisher
WestBow Press

As well as:,, and

Covenant Dating:
The Biblical Path to Marriage
By Beverly D. Allen (Author)
Paperback ISBN: 978-1449772024
Pages: 130

Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.5

Price: $17.00 (includes S&H)


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